We want to hear what God has done in your life! Your stories encourage others in a big way.
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We want to hear what God has done in your life! Your stories encourage others in a big way.
If you don't tell your story, who will?
Email hello@lhtchurch.tv to share your story
Scroll down to read what others have shared!
tara's story
When I was 17 years old, I had an amazing experience with God, but I was still searching for something more. At the age of 18, I became a Jehovah’s Witness and I stayed in that faith for 10 years. During this time, life had its twists and turns and by 1999 I had been married three times.
I was still looking for the answer, so for the next 10 years of my life I became a practicing witch. I had adopted the Wiccan Faith in every aspect. I was, what is known as, a “natural blood line witch,” which meant that it ran in my family. I thought “here’s my calling, my legacy!” But after all of this searching, God didn’t give up on me. He pulled me away from that life and brought me back to Him.
I could hear God telling me,
“You don’t have to be what your family legacy is!”
This journey led me to Lighthouse Church, a beacon of hope and love. As part of the Lighthouse family, I’ve learned about my loving relationship with God and I’ve found my true purpose. I’ve found the joy of serving the one, true and living God and a wonderful Christian family
to help me along my journey.
I found new life here, and on December 7th, 2015 I was baptized at Lighthouse!
Jack's story
I used to believe my story was nothing special, but a friend of mine once told me it’s one of the greatest. Not because it was unique, but because it’s like so many others. I grew up in church, did what was required of me and really just went through the motions. I learned about God and knew of Him, but never fully understood who He was and what He had done for me. That all changed when I was 12, after my parents divorced. Everything I knew was broken and my world was turned upside down. Shortly after, my mom took my sisters and I to a different kind of church, and it changed my whole understanding of who God is and what He did for me. It changed my life; for a time… But, like many, during high school and even into my early adult life, I drifted away from God and as a result, I became lost due to complacency. No one to blame but myself. I dabbled around here and there in different churches with my wife and kids, just looking for any resemblance of the experience that once changed my life. Until one day, a friend of ours shared about Lighthouse on Facebook. We decided to come and check it out for ourselves and well, that was August of 2013 and here we are three years later in 2016! Lighthouse helped me find God again. I walked in and knew it was home. Because of Lighthouse and the family we have here, my family has grown and bloomed into something so amazing.
God changed our lives on that day, and we haven’t looked back since!
Dan's Story
My name is Dan Kasper. After 25 years, I was going through a difficult divorce. My teenage son was going through a lot of issues, I was laid off from my job and going through very difficult financial issues. I had to take up a part-time job delivering pizzas for Pat’s Pizza. One afternoon, I had to deliver 6 pizzas to Lighthouse. That's when I met Michele. She was so joyful and pleasant. She extended an invitation to come to one of the services. I said I would try, but didn't have any real intent to attend. Two weeks later, I took a delivery to Jesse’s home. Like Michele, I found him to be truly joyful and pleasant. That Saturday night, I was sitting at home feeling sorry for myself and decided I would visit Lighthouse on Sunday. It had been more than 10 years since I had attended church, so I didn't have any real expectations.
When I went the first time, I sat in the very back of the church and did not try to make any contact with anybody. I quickly found that that’s not really possible at Lighthouse, as several people came up to greet me. Halfway through the service, I actually found myself crying. I don’t know if it was sadness or comfort, but it felt good.
I continued to go on Sundays and actually found myself looking forward to it. Even though I was faced with very big challenges, I decided to focus on 2 prayers:
1. Thank you God for my 2 sons and the support they had given me through these challenges
2. Thank you God for giving me the strength to get through these issues and not give up
Less than a month after I started attending Lighthouse, I started to see new blessings in my life, even though I chose not to ask for anything. I was asked to go back to work at my previous employer. After my divorce was finalized, I put my house up for sale and it was sold in less than 12 hours. My youngest son and I were blessed with a 3-bedroom home, at an incredibly reasonable rent (less than 2 miles from Lighthouse!). Then the best blessing came into my life. Her name was Lorna. My landlord said that she “wanted me to meet her friend.” I did not want to meet anyone so close to my divorce, even though the divorce process took nearly 2 years. I finally agreed and she asked if I could meet her on a Sunday. I said I would, but it would have to be after 12:30PM, because I attended church on Sundays to which she replied that Lorna loved church, so she’d like to meet me there. Lighthouse is where our relationship started.
Since then, we have become very active in the church. Our relationship is built on the foundation of God and our church. We gained many friends and feel like the church is part of our family. We have joined the Dream Team and attended Small Groups. I have since been filled with the Holy Spirit and Lorna and I were baptized together in February. We look forward to a lifetime experience with Lighthouse. Every night we pray together on the phone and thank God for Lighthouse and the family we have gained.